DevOps GCP

Automation Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Once enrolled in any DevOps training programme, our trainees will also learn and practice DevOps concepts, principles, culture and tools on GCP. This is a platform that offers services for computing, storage, databases, and machine learning. It also provides advanced analytics capabilities such as BigQuery and Dataflow.

A GCP DevOps engineer introduces processes, tools, and methodologies to balance needs throughout the software development life cycle, from coding and deployment to maintenance and updates. You may want to shift your career to DevOps or train yourself to drive adoption within your company.

A successful DevOps engineer requires a combination of technical skills, and a mindset that focuses on collaboration and continuous improvement. Tools play an essential role in the DevOps ecosystem, but they are not the only factor that determines success. DevOps engineers must also possess strong communications skills, be adaptable and agile, and work well in cross-functional teams. Embracing a DevOps culture and utilising the right tools, DevOps engineers can drive organisational success by delivering high-quality software products faster and more efficiently than ever before. But how do you become a GCP DevOps engineer?

Start your GCP/DevOps career with us by following the link below: